Artwork by OathFrog

Redoran Jazraena Maldran

Alchemist and Retired Soldier

Jazraena is a Dunmer who arrived in Solitude sometime during the spring of 2E588, setting up her alchemy business soon after. Though reception has been as frosty as one would expect of the western nords, the locals have slowly started to warm up to the foreigner; no doubt assisted by her business and her occasionally lending her medical skills to treat minor ailments and injuries. Coupled with her dress and mannerisms often being more reminiscent of a Nord - if an unusually reserved one - than a daughter of Morrowind most who have interacted with her to any length consider her to be reliable and quite alright - for a dark elf, anyway.

What could be learned

Even the most cursory digging will inevitably reveal that Jazraena has moved to Solitude from the Rift - specifically from a homestead outside Riften proper where she spent over a decade mostly on her own, barring regular trips to the Riften market to ply her trade. It is thus perhaps unsurprising that she can be seen leaving the safety of the city walls more frequently than most people, always armed and dressed for the wilderness, occasionally even clad in full steel regalia of obvious nord craftsmanship and on horseback - to hunt and gather her alchemical materials, or so people say. More recently, she was also a supplier for the Sorrow Star Coalition against Kaligan Ice-Heart and his underlings.Details on her previous occupation are harder to come by, given the claims made by others range from mercenary over soldier all the way to being a Pact spy or even a perfidious Morag Tong agent - that one is usually cause for rolling eyes, sighs or outright laughter. Still, her build, countless scars and the obvious ease with which she handles arms and armour leave no doubt that she has led a long martial past of some sort - but who can truly tell an elf's age?Going by local tavernkeeps and their patrons she frequents both the Lonely Troll Inn and the Tusk 'n Tail, a tavern owned by the Altmer Sukidael.

Artwork by bleakraven

Jazraenas shop

The Dunmer's shop can be found on Solitude's Arch, just off the main road, where she acquired an old manor supposedly by a great number of imperial drakes, with not a word publically told or asked as to how she came by such by the local authorities.Whatever her means, she apparently grows a significant part of her ingredients in indoor planters and a more expansive garden on the elevated patio. Her goods range from the most simple of wound treatment salves over - much desired by local fishermen - water-repellant 'Seaward Oil' and alchemical torches all the way to more potent concoctions, and even sells ready-made complete kits for healers and the discerning adventurer, handy leather satchel included.Occasionally she also plies her trade from a market stall, such as during the Night of Lights in Solitude or the Crun Krazak tournament in Orsinium.



As an alchemist, Jazraena is naturally always interested in selling alchemical products or buying raw materials. Any adventurer could readily approach her looking to become customer or supplier.


While not a proper healer, Jazraena is both capable and known to treat injuries and minor ailments, both with mundane methods and alchemical healing supplies. People with unpleasant cuts, aching backs and spells of dizziness could seek her out - though the most serious ones may well be referred to another.


Jazraena can often be found enjoying a mug of warm mead at the fireplace or bar of one of Solitudes taverns, and rarely denies the opportunity for conversation.


Jazraena roams most of Western Skyrim and occasionally even beyond, and may be encountered in the wilderness on a hunt or resting around a campfire. Likewise, she often stops at Morthal or Dragon Bridge when travelling to and from Solitude.

Artwork by OathFrog

Atria Khorist

Renowned Archeologist, Spelunker and Sellspell
Shareholder of the Ashen Crows Mercenary Company

Atria readily proclaims herself an archeologist, mage and scholar, though if one were to ask around none working in that field would be able to name any discovery or writing published by her, and the Mage's Guild holds no record of anyone of that name. Instead her reputation is that of a capable mercenary mage and tomb delver, and since 2E588 her name is invariably connected to the Ashen Crows Mercenary Company that she co-founded and still owns a sizeable chunk of. Where the Crows go, she goes, and presently they are operating out of Caer Larsius in Blackwood, free from any entanglements with the Three Banners War.

What could be learned

Atria's name seems reasonably widespread if one started to ask around the right clientele - that being mostly the wealthy of Iliac Bay with leanings towards ancient artifacts and a number of ship captains and trading costers operating along the Abecean Sea. Apparently she has spent her time exploring ancient ruins and selling the proceeds all around the Bay and the Abecean, both under specific contract and her own expense. In between, she has hired out as ship mage and consultant scholar on matters Dwemer and Ayleid, or flat-out disappeared for months at a time before resurfacing. However, in recent times her ruin-delving seems to have taken a backseat after a graverobbing incident - or so the Sentinel guard claims - in the Alik'r, and she has been seen with numerous outfits such as the Circle of Avathol and the Bannerfall Brotherhood before investing in her current venture with the Ashen Crows.Prior to all that most stories put her origin in Anvil - though there are some conflicting accounts of her alternatively being Colovian or somewhere out of Hammerfell - and connect her to the Strident Dragons river incident - a battle of young mercenaries against pirates of that same name that resultated in wreckage blocking trade along the river Strid for weeks over a decade ago that saw the sellswords first sentenced to piracy in Kvatch and then later pardoned; though the noble house responsible for the latter has no kind words left for them, especially for that 'vile flame-slinging witch'.Apparently she owns a workshop in Evermore, though the property seems to be sealed off at the moment and managed by the local noble House Belleford without any further explanation, and an excavation site in northern Bangkorai previously associated with her seems to be connected to the same family all of a sudden as well.At present however, she seems to spend her time at the Crow's headquarters of Caer Larsius or a sizeable three-story townhouse in Leyawiin proper.

Ashen Crows MErcenary Company

The Ashen Crows are a mercenary company originally founded under a Highrock charter in Evermore, under the command of one Caterina Vici. It's founding members and shareholders largely stemmed from the ranks of the dissolved Bannerfall Brotherhood, though only few of them remain these days.After a very unclear series of events involving breton nobility, assassins, razed manors and supposedly even the Ring of Daggers, the Crows left Highrock supposedly towards Abah's Landing, only to never arrive there and appear in Solitude by the beginning of winter, instead.They started operating under the auspices of the Swords of Solitude, making friend and foe alike among the locals. What is easy to confirm is their substantial contributions in fighting leftover elements of the Gray Host nesting within the mountaineous borders between Haafingar Hold and the Reach, eventually culminating in them defeating one 'Pentarch Korthor', as well as their involvement in dealing with the dubious circumstances of the Karthald Rebellion and holding the keep of Irthvyd's Watch as stewards before their eventual departure from the north - supposedly after some sort of fall-out with the locals.During that same time, the Ashen Crows have also been involved - and excelled - among the ranks of those dunesailing into the daedric storms plagueing the Hammerfell county of Retwaleh, where they were part of the forces holding the line on Nirn while others delved into Oblivion to close the portal. Supposedly, one of the rewards for said campaign consisted of a bespoke frigate, laid out by the shipwrights of the Iron Coast and now going by the name Tava's Favour.These days, they operate out of Caer Larsius in Blackwood, and hold a Letter of Marque and Reprisal issued by Leyawiin County.


"Brandy is the best thing straight out of Colovia. Apart from me, obviously.""Here I am going on about drink, pretty dancers and tobacco and you talk of battlemages and hostages.""If you want my hand you will have to be more convincing than that, Atria. At least buy me dinner and get me drunk."
"I have trail rations and a bottle of brandy?"
"We could just steal a ship."
"Commandeer. We could commandeer a ship. Nautical term."
"Have you ever read Grandmaster Jovanno's book on behaviours in taverns?"
"Girl, I wrote the book on behaviour in taverns and anyone calling himself 'Grandmaster' is utterly clueless about it."
"Do you know how much effort a good drawing takes, sweet Atria?"
"I cherish my ignorance on the subject."
"Shut up and start shoving them in!"
"What, right here, right now?"
"Archeology just sounds like a glorified word for graverobbing."
"Ah, but introducing yourself as a graverobber doesn't get you invited to parties."
"Just warn me if the situation is about to turn as heated as this pool. It would be rather unbecoming of a noble to perish without clothes."
"I'll try to preserve your posthume modesty, worry not."
"I could have used a towel when all the remaining guests were ogling me."
"Can't blame them. You're quite oglable."
"I learned long ago not to argue with women insisting on taking my clothes off."



While the actual Captain of the Ashen Crows is Caterina Vici, Atria could be approached by anyone looking to hire a band of reliable mercenaries whose specialist skills eclipses that of most common sellsword outfits.


Despite being preoccupied with her mercenary work Atria still readily accepts coin from anyone looking to partake in her knowledge of all things Dwemer and Ayleid, and can be approached for such at a price.


Apart from the more discerning events Atria also enjoys a good drink as much as any other mercenary or sailor, if not more, and spends plentiful time in taverns drinking, reveling or playing cards.


Atria seems as much at home in a ball room as in an ancient ruin; even though her dresses and elaborate inkwork has spawned some scandalous talks in a breton court or two. She would take ready interest in any upper class happenings she could get her name onto a guest list for.

Telvanni Sorace Telvayn

Wizard of House Telvanni

Sorace, like many of the most ambitious Telvanni, came from nothing. Her first position of note was as an apprentice to Master Salvas, following the unfortunate demise of her competitors in what appeared to be a lover's spat. In this function she acted as Salvas' assistant and agent for several years. He eventually saw fit to make her his Mouth, but she barely got settled into that position before his rivals killed him and razed his tower to the ground, scattering his subordinates into the winds.After that, word of Sorace went quiet for a while - until one Master in exile, one Teldras Edri, returned to Vvardenfell and restored his old power, naming Sorace as his Mouth to the Council. Within days, he repelled attacks from his rivals, and Sorace loudly proclaimed the utter defeat of those forces, daring their masters to stop timidly hiding behind miserable mercenaries and promising swift retribution for any further misguided attempts.Even when Teldras' wife Seldryne, long believed dead, eventually returned and usurped her husband's position Sorace has managed to smoothly survive the transition with her position intact. Even more, Mistress Seldryne eventually saw fit to sponsor the ambitious mage to the rank of Wizard, granting her the island and ruined Tel of Khestis in the process.

What could be learned

Those investigating Sorace's past will have little trouble learning that she was born to a family of cobblers in Balmora, sworn to House Redoran. Once she was old enough she had worked as a maid to a wealthier Hlaalu family until some unknown incident saw her removed. Whatever the exact reason, she departed for Sadrith Mora soon thereafter, less than twenty years old.She began working errands and oddjobs for House Telvanni, earning hardly enough coin to survive by all accounts, yet apparently still enough to catch the occasional glimpse and scrap of arcane knowledge. After perhaps two years she gained Master Salvas' patronage and actual training opportunities, soon enough entering fierce competition for receiving the honour of being selected as his personal apprentice. Lacking survivors few details remain; but apparently her final two rivals - a pair of lovers as it was revealed, to much surprise - somehow managed to murder each other in a lover's quarrel - or so the official story goes; with plenty suspecting foul play as typical of Telvanni infighting. Whatever the truth, it left Sorace as the singular valid choice for apprentice. Over the following years she acted as his research assistant and, increasingly more often, as his roaming agent on a great number of expeditions across Tamriel.During Master Salvas' demise, Sorace was said to be in Hammerfell, perhaps fortunately so. Upon her return she found herself already without home or master, and though the details are unclear, she evidently found new service with House Edri after some time; well ahead of Magister Edri's return to Vvardenfell. Given that the House operated on the mainland away from most Telvanni eyes, not much can be said about that time, but apparently she has swiftly proven herself to be worthy of the position of Magister Edri's mouth in under a year, and she has also led more than one party of retainers against the foes of her master with gruesome success.All in all, if one were to summarize her character from the various tales and people telling them, it would be this: Ruthless, increasingly vain, ambitious, and hungry for raw power - all traits that certainly helped her to cling to power when her second master succumbed to his late wife, Seldryne Edri, who opted to keep Sorace as her own Mouth.


Politics and Diplomacy

While no longer a Mouth, Sorace maintains plentiful contacts and insight into Telvanni politics from her time serving as such.

Power and Knowledge

Sorace is always seeking to acquire more arcane power and esoteric knowledge. To that end almost anything goes, from ruindelving over purchasing books to arcane experimentation. She might also be willing to trade knowledge of her own, given appropriate incentive.


Despite her lofty position, Sorace does occasionaly travel. An at least somewhat respectable knowledge of portals means she has some flexibility on where she might show up, and her prior experience in all sorts of expeditions - and confidence in her own power - mean she often does so without much of an entourage.

Serjo Hlaalu Nelvyna Sadra

Buoyant Armiger of Vivec
Envoy to the Great House Hlaalu

Nelvyna is a noble scion of House Hlaalu. She cultivated a reputation as a well-liked socialite and capable diplomat among Morrowind's high society early on, and found particular amicable reaction among House Redoran for her ardent veneration and even emulation of the Warrior-Poet.Nevertheless, her further development followed expected paths - she completed her education at the Shad Astula Academy, was granted an estate at Amaya Lake which she developed into a comberry plantation, was involved with the Hlaalu Construction Syndic around Balmora and Suran, and served House Hlaalu in a variety of diplomatic functions.What did catch nigh everyone by surprise was when she seemingly overnight joined the Buoyant Armigers and donated a large portion of her personal fortune and ongoing profits to the Tribunal Temple.Since then her presence at her own estate has become much rarer, mere breaks between growingly daring adventures. Often enough she spends significant portions of that time - and gold - on lavish feasts, inviting nobility, merchant, adventurer and anyone else she may fancy alike.

What could be learned

Nobles and Buoyant Armigers both share a common trait - rumours and stories surround them aplenty, and often telling fact from fiction is difficult to impossible. Leaving aside the most outrageous and the growing number of heroic deeds penned in song and poetry that any Armiger eventually collects, a few items of interest remain still, depending on what direction one deigns to look.Above all, despite House Hlaalu in general and Clan Sadra in particular readily using Nelvyna as an example of piety and dedication to the Three there is a persisting rumour about her having chosen her calling as Armiger against the express wishes of her clan, and in consequence fallen from their favour. Certainly Clan Sadra alternates between polite denial or the statement that they prefer to keep their own counsel on such matters; but so far, the Serjo's occasional tendency to tongue-in-check commentary and answers all too open in interpretation have kept the rumour mill running.Less potentially outrageous, it's fairly straightforward learning of her interests in art of all sorts, be it painting, poetry, song or something else, with some pieces of her personal gallery originating from the farthest corners of Tamriel. She enjoys a good glass of shein and has a well-known and unashamed weakness for pretty women.

The Amaya Lake Estate

Nelvyna's estate at Amaya Lake is a small walled compound holding a central manor, smaller guest house and stable. Though a handful of house servants have their own quarters within, the actual plantation and lodgings for the workers are found across the water, with endless stretches of comberry bushes lining the view in a mix of red and green, towered over by the humbling sight of Red Mountain behind.From these comberries the estate makes expensive and high-quality shein and greef, netting her - and the temple - a tidy regular profit. The Serjo is also quite forthcoming with gifting bottles from her personal reserves to people catching her interest.In older times, the plantation had been worked by a mix of slaves and paid workers, but today it supposedly employs none of the former. In fact, even the option of using captured prisoners of war for such has supposedly been denied, and Nelvyna readily and frequently praises the abilities of her argonian cook.



Though Nelvyna leaves the daily business of her plantation to her staff these days, given her calling in the name of the Warrior-Poet, she still happily arranges for business opportunities involving her products or brings potential business partners in contact with the greater House Hlaalu.


Given her training and background it's perhaps of no surprise that Nelvyna still acts as an envoy of the house, and now also for the Tribunal Temple in general and the Buoyant Armigers in particular. If a representative is necessary, she might fit the bill.

Daring Adventure

As Buoyant Armiger, Nelvyna's calling is quite literally to stride far and boldly go! If a daring adventurer is needed to save a dragon from a damsel or the other way around, she might just come!Equally, this means she may show up in most places at random, though her affiliation might just be kept a bit more subtle in Covenant or Dominion territory.


As known socialite and enjoyer of any sort of happening there are few events that she couldn't feasibly show up at, in particular when there is a feast, song and dance or any veneration of the Three involved.

Dres Irenni Andaril

Sailor of Ill Repute

Irenni is not someone of any reputation most people would have heard of. A sailor, bounty hunter and mage for hire, she has spent most of her time around the less savoury ports of Tamriel.Her most recent employement places her under the employ of one dubious Altmer by the name of Sukidael, Captain of the Ravager, sailing out of Solitude.

What could be learned

Information about Irenni is sparse to come by, in particular since she rarely states her full name. Most will be the odd snippet about a job or two she completed during her slow and erratic travel across the continent; usually bounty hunting, a variety of magic services or as crew of various vessels with sometimes dubious reputations.Following her trail one may eventually learn that she used to sail out of the city of Tear, with a number of vessels aligned with House Dres prior to the formation of the Ebonheart Pact. Details are lost to two decades of time, but even cursory investigation would reveal that at least some of those vessels and their crews were involved in the Dres slave trade, or even still are.Her own role is hard to pin down, but the general notion from her various employers over the years since suggest a competent sailor, able marine and above all, a competent mage, healer and alchemist. If inquired about her demeanor, a calculated and targeted viciousness rates fairly high on the list.

The Ravager

The Ravager is a vessel operating out of Solitude, officially without any local crime to their name but a dubious reputation. Among it's crew there are several Maormer to be found, and it's Altmer Captain Sukidael may be a bit of a loose cannon. They also run a tavern in the city's seedier back alleys, the Tusk n' Tail, and altercations between staff, patron and amongst themselves are no rarity.The occasional rumour of illicit business has emerged, but either the Ravager Crew have yet to run afoul the law of the actual hold or their reputation is worse than the rumours suggest - which seems rather unlikely, given all the paths that intersect on the ship's deck.


Health and Magic

Irenni is happily offering basic healing, alchemy and other magical services with a no questions asked policy as long as the coin is right.

The Ravager

Though a recent addition to the Ravager's crew, Irenni may try and facilitate contact with whoever wishes to speak to that particular group of certainly upstanding and law-abiding sailors.

Fellow Sailor

Irenni has spent time in many ports across Tamriel, and more importantly, in the usual taverns frequented by ship crews. Thus, a prior acquintance could easily stumble across her wherever she is at the given moment.


Scythe of He-Who-Destroys and She-Who-Erases

Narzanth is a Dremora occasionally found roaming Nirn, or answering a daring conjurer's call. She does not seem to be obviously related to princes such as Molag Bal or Mehrunes Dagon however, and keeps her true intentions close to whatever passes for a heart with the Daedra.

What could be learned

Given Narzanth's nature most common methods of information gathering yield only sparse or no information. Still, given the right names investigated by the right scholars a scarce few snippets of knowledge may be gained regardless.Narzanth serves the Prince of Plots, Boethiah. Whether she has any relation to the Bloodwraith Clan - a Dremora Clan partaking in Boethiah's arenas - is unknown to all. Her frequent visits to Nirn suggest her master employs her as a roaming agent or enforcer of some kind, but her scattered appearances appear largely unconnected, aside a handful of disappearances of competent and renowned warriors that might be tenuously traced to her recent presence.Few tales of defeating her in battle outright exist, and she seems not limited to any particular region in Tamriel - appearances as far flung as Morrowind, Elsweyr and Hammerfell have been recorded.


A Deal with the Devil

Be it chance encounter or through brave conjuration, as many Daedra Narzanth may be willing to bargain with mortals willing to risk their souls for power.

Alliance or Rivalry

Narzanth occasionally roams Nirn on inscrutable tasks given to her by the Prince of Plots. This may put her into conflict with mortals pursuing the same goal... or an unlikely alliance.Whatever the case, one should always remember that Daedra never truly die for long, and Dremora keep any slight within their Book of Grudges for future retribution.

Dame Theanique Liancourt

The Silver Knight

Theanique is a Knight-Errant of the Order of the Dancing Eagle, roaming Tamriel in search of good deeds and causes to champion in the name of Dibella and the principles of her order.

What could be learned

Theanique's background is easily traced to Sir Alfric Liancourt - the latest in a long line of Highrock merchant knights, situated in Daggerfall.During the Black Drake's conquest of Cyrodiil, plenty of Cyrodiil's influential families were faced with a choice between submission, death or escape. The youngest scion of House Ivenicci - a Nibenese merchant clan - managed to flee west with most of the family fortune, eventually marrying into well-reputed but financially struggling House Liancourt.With both status and finances thusly stabilized, the newly-joined family has proven a staunch supporter of King Casimir of Daggerfall and the Covenant, with several scions serving with knightly orders and Covenant forces, be it against the Longhouse Emperors, Ranser's rebellion or now in the Three Banners War.Theanique however, as Alfric's fourth child and thus far from relevant inheritance, found her calling with Dibella and the Order of the Dancing Eagle rather than pursuing a mercantile or military career. After passing her trials she has spent most of her time on protecting travelling artists, thespians and musicians, and occasionally hunting down bandits preying on the same, in locations as far flung as Glenumbra, the Gold Coast or Blackwood.

The Order of the Dancing Eagle

The Dancing Eagle began as a Highrock offshoot of the Order of the Lily. Unlike their parent organization however the Dancing Eagles, while Dibellans, are not ordained priests and spend no time guarding Dibellan temples and chapels barring extraordinary situations.Instead, they are Knight-Errants, roaming the lands for causes of freedom, love, art and beauty to champion. Be it saving a lover from certain doom, escorting artists and musicians, recovering stolen artwork or protecting a hamlet from marauding bandits - a silver-clad Dancing Eagle may take it upon themselves alone or in force to see that justice is done, and beauty preserved in Dibella's name.Most of their knights can be found throughout Highrock and, to a lesser degree, parts of Cyrodiil and Hammerfell, though no artificial border prevents them from travel, and they have not sworn fealty to any of the Three Banners.


A Worthy Cause

Theanique may be willing to swear herself to a worthy cause. Lost friends and lovers, artists or artwork in need of retrieval or protection, or merely protecting the lost and helpless - all these may draw her blade to service.

Art and Courtly Revelry

As a knight, Theanique may well find herself at courtly happenings, and as a Dibellan and protector of the arts she could easily show up anywhere such is to be found - be it theater plays, art exhibitions or merely listening to music.

Armelle Lacroix

The Right Honourable The Lady Armelle Lacroix
Baroness of Colours

Armelle is a cousin to the Countess Ysabel Lacroix. She holds the Barony of Colours in Cliffgarden and serves as the county's Court Mage and occasional emissary.With the Countess called to arms in Cyrodiil, Armelle also spends plentiful time guiding the young Lacroix heir, Michel, who presently holds court in his mother's stead.

What could be learned

Even cursory digging will reveal that Armelle's mother and siblings were victims of the Knahaten Flu ravaging Wayrest in 2E 563, much like many others including the royal family. A bit over a decade later, her father - and his new wife - fall victim to a warehouse fire, ultimately turning Armelle into an orphan at the age of fourteen, and leaving her the heir to the Barony of Colours and the associated dye making and trading business.After learning of her survival - the girl had been rescued by citizens, and briefly thought dead - she was taken in as a ward by the late Count Lacroix, but sent to Glitterstone Priory to train in the ways of magic and scholarship under the clergy of Julianos. After four years, she joined Cliffgarden's court as an apprentice to the Court mage.That aside, however, stories and rumours dry up quickly, and no scandal or wild stories of any merit surround the Lady. More than one courtier in Wayrest may speak to one matter, however - she keeps her intentions close to heart, and has a way of slyly prying at those of others.


Court Intrigue and politics

Armelle is a frequent visitor to Wayrest, and may also occasionally find herself at other nearby courts throughout Stormhaven, and perhaps even further abound. For those wishing to talk politics with House Lacroix, she could readily be approached for talks.

Courtly Revelry

Though hardly one for extravagant feast, her noble status still means Armelle could find herself at any happening where it would only be appropriate for her to be invited.

Ysabel Lacroix

The Right Honourable The Countess Ysabel Lacroix
The Wolf of Cliffgarden

Countess Ysabel Lacroix is the current Lady of Cliffgarden, a small county in Gavaudon hedged against the Wrothgarian Mountains.However, the Three Banners War has called her to the battlefields of Cyrodiil, leaving her young son Michel as present regent to the county.

What could be learned

As one would expect of anyone bearing an actual landed title in Highrock, much of Ysabel's background is readily uncovered.Like most of her predecessors, Ysabel has proven magical aptitude at a young age already, and thus received training in the arcane arts alongside the education typical of a noble, and while these other expectations left her magical skillset rather narrow in focus it forged her into an heir worthy of representing House Lacroix on the battlefield - a war mage, capable with strategy, searing arcane fire, blade and spear alike.When she came of age, she was married to a scion of House Belleford of Evermore and had a son and heir, Michel, and a few years later a daughter by the name of Lucette.At the start of the Three Banners War, House Lacroix was initially not called to Cyrodiil proper, but instead tasked to aid securing Bangkorai and the supply lines through Craglorn against incursions from the Reach, but with mounting losses Ysabel's father and his household guards were eventually needed in the Heartlands - a call that ultimately led to Count Lacroix' demise, and saw Ysabel inherit Cliffgarden. With scarce a moment to mourn, she too was called to Cyrodiil, leaving her young son behind as regent, closely advised by her cousin and court mage Armelle Lacroix.


Ysabel is primarily a background character serving other stories. However, events involving the Three Banners War might provide a hook for her involvement presuming either sufficient importance or a limited timeframe to enable her temporary departure from the battlefield proper.

Ciara Ghostfeather

Reach Witch and Warden of the Night

Ciara is part of Clan Ghostfeather, a reclusive and nomadic Reachfolk Clan roaming the wilds, typically in the rough vicinity of Hroldan's Ring.Occasionally, she or her clankin can be found in Markarth, but they typically keep their business and even their faces to themselves, well-hidden behind their bird-like wicker masks.

What could be learned

There is little to be learned of Ciara in particular, and even Clan Ghostfeather in general. By most accounts it is one of many more reclusive clans in the Reach - they live their lives aside civilization, and are even more peaceful than most, opting to avoid open engagement of any potential rivals.Still, those digging deeper might tell a few bits more - they are an apparently matriarchal clan, keeping their faces usually obscured behind elaborate, bird-like wicker masks by tradition, though the odd storyteller or two may still tell of having seen them without. Murders of crows follow their travelling camps through the land and readily savage their foes in the rare cases of the Clan being forced to battle.Most believe their witches hold the patronage of the Great Spirit of the Night, Nocturnal, and given their general inclination to avoid engagement, leave them alone.

Shiana Blackfeather

Guild Mage and Travelling Scholar


What could be learned

What, indeed?





The Voice of the Drowned

Ilrasse is a Maormer - a Sea Elf from far-off Pyandonea, and thus by all accounts either a former or current pirate.However, she has yet to be seen as part of any Maormer pirate fleet. Usually she can be found around Topal Bay, particularly in Elsweyr, and occasionally also within the few freeports of the Abecean Sea more amicable towards her kin than most.

What could be learned

Barring reach onto the shores of Pyandonea proper, little regarding Ilrasse's background could possibly be learned. What is known is that she hires out to captains operating the southern oceans of Nirn, offering services as both navigator and stormcaller - and that if needed, she is willing to fight even her own kin.Beyond that, dark rumours occasionally surface of her abilities - supposedly she can talk to the dead and has unsettling rapport with the spirits of the drowned, and has used such to lead several captains to treasures long believed lost.Whatever the truth, those speaking of her have yet to hear of any betrayal originating from the Maormer, but may well tell of plentiful unease of those serving with her for any length of time.

Dusk-Adamant Rilanye

The Keeper of the Gate


Kashia al-Rihad

The Dervish of Rihad
